Prayer for the Recovery of the Diocese of Lake Charles
following Hurricane Laura
Heavenly Father, Who willed that the fallen hut of David be rebuilt; that Your people return from exile to repopulate their lands, rebuild Jerusalem and restore the Temple; that Your Son, Jesus Christ, would be the new temple and that He would build a new Jerusalem, firmly set on the twelve apostles of the Lamb; look, Gracious Creator, upon our devastation now in the Diocese of Lake Charles and along the coast; rouse up in the hearts of many good and faithful workers the courage, perseverance, and fortitude to bring Your task to a successful completion, where what is recovered will give Your name glory and be protected from the onslaught of the Devil; put to flight lethargy of spirit and fortify our wills so that the good works of Your faithful people will be seen as fulfilling Your work; grant us understanding, God of all light and reason, so that we will comprehend Your ways and see in every suffering and tribulation an occasion to embrace Your will and grow in love for You. Grant, loving Father, through that same Jesus Christ, our Lord, all these prayers by the intercession of Our Lady Star of the Sea, You, who live and reign in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
The Most Reverend Glen John Provost
Bishop of Lake Charles
On the occasion of Hurricane Laura
August 27, 2020
Office Hours
Warehouse Drop-offs: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Applications by phone only. No walk-ins.
Appointments only as directed by caseworkers.
For Jennings and Allen Parish, please call: 337-438-6350
Flocknote Sign Up
CCSWLA Flock Note
Creole food distribution today at 184 E Creole Hwy, 10-11am. NO new registrations in November. God bless you!
11/06/24 1:30 pm
Elton food distribution today at St Paul, 1100 St Mary St. 9:30-10:30am. NO new registrations in November. God bless...
11/05/24 1:30 pm
Attention volunteers we need your help to pack 12 totes of groceries this week. 1225 Second Street LC. Open today...
11/04/24 2:28 pm